Quit from this application. Prints all or part of the current file. To enable this item, choose New or Open from the File menu. Prints all or part of the current file. Sets up paper size, orientation, and other printing options. To enable this item, choose New or Open from the File menu. Sets up paper size, orientation, and other printing options. Reverts to the last saved version of the current file. (Not currently supported by this application…) Reverts to the last saved version of the current file. Saves the current file under a different name. (Not currently supported by this application…) Saves the current file under a different name. Saves the current file. To enable this item, choose New or Open from the File menu. Saves the current file. Closes the current file. To enable this item, choose New or Open from the File menu. Closes the current file. Opens an existing file. To enable this item, choose Close from the File menu. Opens an existing file. Creates a new file. To enable this item, choose Close from the File menu. Creates a new file. Operations related to file handling.